Advertising campaign on facebook and google ads

Facebook ads and Google ads listing management

With over 2 billion monthly active users in the world, Facebook is today one of the most important advertising platforms used by companies, along with the more well-known Google Ads (formerly Adwords).

Advertising on the internet is now the most efficient and effective solution thanks to the possibility to focus the ads on a specific target audience and to the ability to monitor and track the obtained results, a check that is not possible with other forms of advertising (posters, printing, leafleting, etc).

The Dot Business advertising agency manages Facebook and Google ads for ecommerce, traditional and local businesses.

We provide a complete professional service which includes:

  • market study
  • campaigns strategic planning
  • announcements planning and creation
  • campaign monitoring and management throughout its duration
  • periodic report

both for Google Ads and Facebook Ads Online advertising:advertise on the webcampaigns.

Advertise on Google

We create custom advertising on Google Ads

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Adv on Facebook

Advertise on Facebook, Instagram and Messenger

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Google ads: advertising on google

The first online advertising platform is Google ads, better known with the old Adwords name, and it is ideal for making your company visible when users perform a specific search.

The great advantage offered by google ads is that it allow you to advertise your company to users who carry out a specific search and then, in jargon, it is said that we can increase visibility if there is a conscious market demand.

The user needs to change the tires of his car and then search google for "tires in Rome". In this case we can create a specific announcement for those looking for a tire dealer in Rome and make your company visible only to those who actually need a tire dealer in that city.

Dot Business creates personalized Google Ads campaigns that are usually combined with SEO campaigns to obtain the best results and create scale economies.

E-commerce, websites and local businesses can be advertised.


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Facebook ads: advertising on Facebook

Facebook Ads allows you to advertise your company in Facebook, Instgram, Facebook Marketplace and Messenger with over 2 billion people active every month all over the world.

Thanks to the enormous amount of information it is possible to target your advertising campaigns based on innumerable elements such as personal interests, buying habits, geographical location, age and much more.

The main feature of Facebook ads is that it allows you to work on what is called a latent demand and therefore we can intercept an interested audience that is not yet actively searching for the product because maybe it does not yet know its existence.

Ideal for advertising new companies and new products that are not yet known by the general public and can be shown through videos and photos or through dynamic ads that show products that can be purchased online through e-commerce.

Dot Business provides a complete campaign management service on all social media of the Facebook group, ideal for both e-commerce and local companies or brands.

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Contact us to advertise on the internet

Fill out the form to request a custom quote for your online advertising campaign on Google Ads or Facebook Ads.

Expert advertisers will be able to advise on the advertising that best suits your needs by evaluating your online presence, the actual benefit to achieve your goals, the quality of the website on which to land the advertisement.

We kindly ask you to indicate the monthly budget you intend to invest so that our advertisers can suggest you effective solutions adapted to your needs.

We respect your privacy. By submitting this form you accept our privacy policy and agree to receive information from Dot Business via email.