E-business Models

Create a website, an e-commerce, a blog; activating a web marketing campaign or a social media marketing project is only a small part of the work required for your web project to succeed.

Instead, it is necessary to create an e-Business model, a global project that in its entirety is able to create value for your company and your customers.

This is what we do in Dot Business, we provide services and consultancy capable of generating value through the network, we do not limit ourselves to creating websites and e-commerce but we provide a complete digital consultancy that also includes the creation of sites.

It is necessary to move strategically, choose the right tools and learn to use them to generate value.

How we work in Dot Business

Training, consulting, strategy and production, these are the fundamental hinges on which we work in Dot Business.

The Dot Business works are the result of a personalized growth path tailored to the specific needs of our customers, the path can be more or less demanding depending on the objectives and the customer's starting point.

Every website, e-commerce, blog, web marketing campaign Dot Business is the result of a path made of strategy, objectives, training and communication, where the communicative aspect will be the distinguishing and distinctive element.